Design Armando Milani’s posters denounce our society
Designgraphic designposter art

Armando Milani’s posters denounce our society

Giorgia Massari
armando milani

Armando Milani is a name that often resonates in the world of graphic design, known for his commitment to bringing social and environmental issues to light through his visual art. His works, collected under the project Eco-Humanity – also on display at Milano Certosa District for the International Biennial of Graphic Design (BIG) – have no specific commission, but are dedicated to raising awareness of issues of global relevance such as war, pollution and deforestation. From this perspective, Milani can be called a visual chronicler and his works graphic reportages that urgently call for action.

armando milani

Milani uses striking posters to convey powerful messages with simplicity and clarity. His graphic compositions combine words and images in a way that directly affects the viewer’s senses, creating an immediate and lasting effect. From complex ideas to effective visual messages that can communicate with anyone.

armando milani

Armando Milani’s posters demonstrate how he is a careful and meticulous witness to contemporary dramas. His works not only reflect the problems of our world, but also serve as catalysts for change, urging the public to become aware and take action. In an age when images often take precedence over words, Milani demonstrates how graphic design can be a powerful tool for exposing and raising awareness.

Courtesy Armando Milani

Designgraphic designposter art
Written by Giorgia Massari
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