Design When graphics have a penchant for the past
Designexhibitiongraphic design

When graphics have a penchant for the past

L'illustratore e graphic designer Lorenzo Petrantoni allestisce le sue opere da Fondazione Sozzani per il BIG Festival
Giorgia Massari
Lorenzo Petrantoni

Graphic design is increasingly looking toward the future, seeking innovative ways to communicate effectively, but what happens when it looks to the past? Looking at Lorenzo Petrantoni‘s works seems like taking a plunge into the 19th century inside Jules Verne’s books. In fact, his are true visual reworkings of images from vintage books processed by Petrantoni digitally and printed in limited editions. Already known for creating several covers for magazines such as the New York Times, Guardian and Vogue and for collaborating with brands such as Swatch, today Petrantoni we saw him at the Fondazione Sozzani in Milan for the BIG Festival, the International Biennial dedicated to Graphics. In a hybrid setting between graphic design and fashion, the already radical chic setting in itself takes on even more of a nostalgic dimension.

Lorenzo Petrantoni

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The exhibition at Sozzani’s, Lorenzo Petrantoni dedicates it to figures from the 19th and 20th centuries, revisited in an innovative way. The artist gives new life and meaning to historical images, transforming them into contemporary icons. His works, created on flags, prints and other objects, transcend time and, in dialogue with the clothes on display, everything becomes melancholy, remnants of an era that today leaves us only the taste of its charm.

lorenzo petrantoni
New York Times
lorenzo petrantoni

Courtesy Lorenzo Petrantoni

Designexhibitiongraphic design
Written by Giorgia Massari
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