Art Il segreto di Liberato between documentary and anime aesthetics

Il segreto di Liberato between documentary and anime aesthetics

Giorgia Massari

There are so many undoubtedly alienating but at the same time brilliant contrasts in Liberato‘s latest video clip. From Daft Punk to Pino Daniele, from manga to popular culture characters. All placed in the context of Naples but with a Japanese aesthetic, as well as subtitles that, in all honesty, would have been useful even in Italian for those who do not chew the Neapolitan dialect too well. In any case, the most interesting aspect for us was the direction of the animations, directed by Lorenzo Ceccotti aka LRNZ, a cartoonist and illustrator whose unmistakable style portrayed the story of Liberato and Lucia. Of course, it could only be released yesterday, May 9th, a date that all Liberato fans wait for every year with much hype. Again this year they were not disappointed, in fact more than surprised. Not only a new single – LUCIA (stay with me) -, not only a video clip. This new song, about love and career difficulties in a not-so-favorable environment, is also the trailer for the new film Il segreto di Liberato directed by Francesco Lettieri, Giorgio Testi, Giuseppe Squillaci and LRNZ, just released in all theaters.

In short, without making too many spoilers Liberato’s new film is about Naples but with an aesthetic that looks at anime and pop culture. All elements that make it super contemporary and current, reflecting a very common situation in Italy – and beyond – related to work and creativity. The two protagonists, Liberato and Lucia, try to emerge as artists in a socio-economic context that places so many obstacles in front of them, even leading them to leave but then return, aware that Naples is the only place they can call home. So many details are revealed about Liberato and his artistic journey, all but his identity, which once again remains a mystery, strictly behind the hood and topknot that LRNZ uses to hide his face even in the animated version.

Written by Giorgia Massari
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